Hello everyone.
So as i did say that i would be uploading a haul here it is.
1. The first thing i brought is the 'alberto balsam, in juicy green apple'. These are a Shampoo and Conditioner. There are lots of different types you can get of these dry hair, greasy hair etc.
I have used this once before a while back and loved it but never brought it again for some reason, so i decided to go back into them because i love them so much. They leave your hair smelling really nice, as-well as smooth. They also have a website which i never new of because i normally buy mine from asda. As-well as this they are super cheap for what you get!
Price - £1 (in asda). 99p (on the website!)
2. Sleek contour kit. After being a big fan of sleek i thought i had to try out this kit. This kit contains a bronzer, and a highlighter. There both super pigmented that you don't need a lot on your brush at all. I use the bronzer to contour my face, such as my jawline and cheekbones. With the highlighter i put on to around my nose, and just on top of my bronzer. With every sleek packaging you get full instructions on which ways you could use this product.
- I brought my product from blush which is a beauty store.
But im sure you can get it from the sleek website or even cheaper of ebay or amazon.
3. You may have already heard of a 'tangle teezer'. I have been wanting one for a while now so i finally decided to get one. I really do love it already, instead of a hairbrush which pulls your hair if you have a knot it gently glides it stopping any hair falling out. As-well as this it also makes your hair really smooth afterwards. There are lots of different colors to choose from i have the blue and pink one.
I brought this from 'hot hair' shop.

Aswell they are much cheaper from here than somewhere like boots!
4. Simple rich moisturizer. I don't really have a review on this yet, because i haven't tried it out. But i have really sensitive skin so hopefully this will be okay as it does say on the packet 'sensitive skin experts' I brought this because i know its well known on the world of youtube and people blog about it. So i thought i would give it a whirl and see how i get on with it.
I brought this from Asda.
- £3.
Thankyou for reading again..
Ems X