Sunday 1 September 2013

night routine

Today i thought i would show you all my night routine eg the products i use to take of my make-up.
I think most people know its important to cleanse your face at night and make sure you have nearly all of your makeup of to as people say 'let your face breath'.
But many people just like me sometimes just want to jump into bed and be done with it.
So recently i have decided on a night routine which i like doing, and is simple to do.
So ill just run through what products I use and how.

1. With my 'primark beauty facial cleansing wipes' or any other makeup remover wipes. I simply just take of my makeup.

2. I use the Garnier Skin Naturals and place some of this on to any cotton pads and simply wipe around my face and with this you realize how much makeup is left on your face although you have used a makeup remover wipe. As well as this I know lots of people have sensitive skin like me, and it work perfectly alright on me. So I would defiantly recommend this product.

3. Next I just wash my face with warm water. Although if I'm getting any spots I use the 'Freederm face wash scrub' and scrub it on to my face and wash it of with water. 

4. I then moisturize. I use the simple rich moisturizer and just rub it on to my skin. 

5. The last thing I do is I apply lip balm, to two current lipblam's I'm loving are the 'baby lips hydration' and then I apply the 'I love strawberries and milkshake' on top. Which is amazing.

Thankyou for reading 
Emma X 

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